An air-tight tin is ideal, such as the standard Peet's tea packaging. Tea must be kept away from light, heat, air, and especially moisture. It should never be frozen. Most teas will keep for up [...]
No. True tea consists of processed leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant, and is a beverage derived from steeping those leaves in hot water. Colloquially, a hot beverage made from other herbs or flowers and [...]
Mainly there are three categories of tea with different flavours. Namely, they are green tea, black tea and oolong. What differs these kinds are the processing methods they undergo. Black tea undergo for many hours [...]
Tea is a beverage which refreshes a mind with the exotic flavour of the extract of a tea leave. Even Royals tasted tea since the ancient times. The encapsulated extracts of leaves of Camellia Sinensis [...]